Jefferson County Parks & Recreation Commission
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Refund Policy

Our refund policy encourages early decisions, so as to not affect other customers or our ability to deliver efficient programs. All requests for refunds must be made prior to the start of the program. Registrations that require advanced tickets are not refundable. Refunds for Sports League registrations must be made prior to the listed league registration deadline. There are no refunds for missed sessions. Account credits expire 1-year from date of issue. Default refund method will be account credit unless otherwise specified by customer. After initial registration, refund requests must be submitted in writing via refund request form and will be honored in the following manner:

14 business days prior:
Refund - full refund, minus $12 admin fee
Account Credit - full credit, minus $12 admin fee
Registration Transfer - $5 transfer fee

7-13 business days prior:
Refund - 50% of program cost, +$12 admin fee
Account Credit - 50% of program cost, +$12 admin fee
Registration Transfer - $5 transfer fee

< 7 business days prior:
Refund - not eligible
Account Credit - approval required, +$12 admin fee.
Registration Transfer - approval required, +$12 admin fee.

Admin fee is assessed per program.

Additional fees, including out-of-county fees, supply or material fees, t-shirt costs, or others, will not be included in the refund or credit.

Any time a transfer from one program to another program is requested by a customer, there will be a $5 transfer fee added to the transaction.

If a program or activity is canceled due to low enrollment, a full refund or credit will be issued to your account within seven business days of the cancellation. No administrative fees will apply.

If a program or activity is canceled due to inclement weather, and is not able to be rescheduled, a credit will be issued to your JCPRC account within 7 days of the missed class.

If JCPRC reschedules or offers a make-up for missed or canceled classes, no refunds or credits will be issued.