Jefferson County Parks & Recreation Commission
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Facility Rentals Policy

Facility Rentals Policy

I certify that I, as an individual or as an official of an organization agrees to the following:

1.  In case of emergency or for reason beyond the Jefferson County Parks & Recreation Commission (JCPRC) control, the JCPRC reserves the right to cancel the scheduled event prior to scheduled use without liability.  Refunds will be made if cancellation by JCPRC is necessary.
2.  To assume all risks in connection with the use of the facilities requested above and hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the JCPRC and its employees from any and all claims and all cost, damages, legal fees and any other expenses reasonably incurred which arise out of authorization to use the facilities of the JCPRC.  We further understand this request and we agree to be legally bound.
3.  That the responsibility for carrying appropriate liability insurance and medical plans, including hospitalization, lie with our organization and/or participants.  We will provide a certificate of insurance if requested.
4.  Alcohol is prohibited for all personal facility rentals.
5.  User agrees to clean the park area after use:  which includes, wiping down tables, cleaning kitchen and it's appliances, removing any stains or spills, turn off electrical appliances, pulling trash bags from receptacles and placing in dumpster, if one is available. 
6.  If a reservation is cancelled; a $50 administrative fee will be assessed.  If the cancellation is made less than 30 days before the event date the entire fee is non-refundable.  Additionally, cancellations due to weather may honor a refund IF the cancellation is due to local severe weather advisories.
7.  Fighting; Unseemly conduct; Health Violations; Abuse of staff or property; Negligent or delinquent in remitting payment. 
8. Contract changes/cancellations will only be accepted from the individual originally booking the facility(s).
9.  Your group must assume responsibility for providing adequate supervision, facility cleanliness and general order while using the facility.
10.  Damage and/or destruction of the above named property(s) will result in repair and/or replacement fees billed directly to you.